The medieval forces that occupy the past of the Dreamers Ink worlds. These factions have more history that will be revieled in the comics, also know as: The Neverending Storyline – Part-3. Which will begin in early 2013.
The Dragon Lord: The forces of the Dragon Lord.
The Dragon Lord: The forces of the Dragon Lord.
The Monoth:Consisting of Orcs, Troll, Uruk-hai, Skellie, and Vladek forces.
The Monoth:Consisting of Orcs, Troll, Uruk-hai, Skellie, and Vladek forces.
The Lion Faction: The Lion King and his army.
The Lion Faction: The Lion King and his army.
Kingdom of The Golden Crown:Crownies and Jellybeans join forces to keep order.
Kingdom of The Golden Crown:Crownies and Jellybeans join forces to keep order.