By Siabur on January 12th, 2019
Posted In: Uncategorized
Riverside Amusement Park is my other LEGO hobby. It’s a functional amusement park with rides that operate using custom made pushbuttons. It’s really popular with the kids and adults. I average 5 to 9 displays annually where I take the park.
Comics will hopefully start up again.
By Siabur on January 12th, 2019
Posted In: Uncategorized
Good Morning,
As obvious as it is, I haven’t updated in a few weeks. So the question is why? A valid question. So here’s an answer. When I went on my hiatus, my Father was just put in to the hospital for what was supposed to be a short stay while treating his lungs. He never came home. I was devestated. I lost interest in making comics. Other life things happened and I just couldn’t do anything anymore. Depression. Whooo! Being that I’m a LEGO fan for more than just comicking, I focused on that. I belong to a LEGO Users Group called CoWLUG and it got me out of the house, I’m no longer socially awkward around people, don’t mind being around them either. But comicking is on the back burner. My LEGO collection has quadrupled, one of my depression signs is spending money on things just to have them. So LEGO it was. I don’t have access to my studio because of this, to much shit piled on it.
I do want to make more comics, It’s just not easy getting thoughts from brain, to completion. I have continued plotting stories and don’t worry about ideas, just getting the desire to script is the hard part.
One of these days, I will make more comics. I don’t know when. I have worked on redoing the first few years by getting them formatted and color corrected, oh and spelling errors taken care of. So I might re-run the comics from the begining, including the non-PC ones.
By Siabur on September 2nd, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized
Hi all. I know the update schedule has been sporatic at times. I will always do them a week at a time. There might be a few weeks where there won’t be comics.
Now some other stuff. I’ve been building an amusement park for a few years now and that is where my focus has been. You can check it out at
And more other stuff. Dropping a large LEGO PAB cup of 1×1 various colors of trans plates sucks to pick up. Glad I have a dedicated small vaccume to clean it all up.
So until next tiem.
By Siabur on June 29th, 2015
Posted In: Behind The Scenes
When I started out making brick comics, I had very little knowledge of lighting. As many of us brickcomickers know, lighting can be the bane of making comics. Over the years I’ve gained the knowledge to take good pics. One of the projects I’m working on is taking the first 850 comics and reformatting them to current standards. I’m also going to print them, so I need to have the full page comics done to them. Not as easy as it should be, 1st 70ish were all made using Photoshop. After that I use illustrator, it creates smaller original files, better text handling, and vectors just print better. The samples I’ve printed so far are awesome. I needed to color correct many, many, many, many, many, pics. The method used is the same one as the tutorial I have posted on this sight. I use a Photoshop action to make it automated.
To view full size, click on the pictures.

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By Siabur on February 28th, 2014
Posted In: Tutorials
When making comics, sometimes the light isn’t perfect but the picture is what I like and will accept it. When I open it up in Photoshop, the pic will be a bit yellow and will need to be corrected to get it back to the proper color. I use Photoshop CS2 and a Mac so things may look a bit different than what you have. I’ve recently used this method to correct over 500 pictures from the first 800 Dreamers Ink comics. This is also why you keep original pictures or a copy untouched. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
By Siabur on February 24th, 2014
Posted In: CoWLUG Stuff

It was a lovely show up in Estes Park. The trip up the canyons were quite distracting after last summer’s flooding. CoWLUG put together a pretty cool display featuring a western section with a Spanish style village, a wooden fort, Bents Fort from Southern Colorado, an Indian village with casino, ↓ Read the rest of this entry…